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Giving to myself

Permission The current conversation in Australia (and beyond) is fraught with damaging perspectives, underlying assumptions, and riddled with mythologies about the domestic terrorism that is the experience of intimate partner violence (which includes emotional, mental, religious, financial, verbal, sexual, and the more often visible and broadly understood physical forms of… Read More »Giving to myself

Graffiti art of blue haired woman pushing against concrete walls. Photograph by Joe Pregadio

The pain of considering failure

Whispers inside Echoing unspoken glances interpreted Polite declines Invitations retracted Applications rejected Submissions that do not                 make a long list,                                short list,                                               someone else’s list     Trying is practice Practice is building Building me,                 building craft,                                building potential Honing skill… Read More »The pain of considering failure

Purple peacock feather. Photograph by Ayush Tiwari


Everyday, I was a different mask for an emotion I didn’t feel             There’s a blur between us             Your anger is my burden             Your raised hand will be my ache tomorrow               My vision is consumed with your concerns             Your troubles demand my solutions             Your… Read More »Move

rainbow reflected in a pool of water with a splash. Photograph by Jordan McDonald

Getting bent

Will I be allowed to be part of your us Binegativity speaks to the experience of anti-bisexual sentiment and discrimination. Anecdotally, this has ranged from assumptions of promiscuity, to implications and accusations of being “bad at” being straight/homosexual, being indecisive (about sexuality ergo anything else important in life), being a… Read More »Getting bent